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Running simulations

Simulations are run by pressing the Run button on the toolbar of the main window. The button does not activate until the model is free of errors (ref. errors window). The simulations window will give simulation progress and report if errors occur during the simulation.

Simulation settings

Before running a simulation you should assign simulation settings. These include start- and end time, selection of simulation outputs and choice of Solver. Click the Simulation Settings button on the toolbar to edit simulation settings.

Simulation types

There are four available types of simulations in AFRY Intelligent Scenario Modelling. Before a simulation is started you must select which type of simulation you want to run from the simulation menu.

  • Deterministic - A single iteration is run with best estimates for all parameter values. (Default)
  • Probabilistic - Values for uncertain paremters are randomized using a Monte Carlo sampling method according to their probability density function. A large number of simulations are run. After the simulation is finished some sensitivity analysis methods can be applied.
  • Sensitivity analysis - Several methods exists for performing sensitivity analysis that are not based on random sampling, such as FAST, Morris and Sobol. This simulation run for many iterations, depending on the number of parameters that are included in the analysis and the method used. This simulation type is available only with the sensitivity analysis toolbox.

See also

running_simulations.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/18 22:21 by boris

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