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Simulation settings window

The simulation settings window is displayed by pressing button. The simulation settings window allows user to change or choose next simulation settings:

  • Time unit - gives possibility to choose simulation time units (seconds, hours, days, years);
  • Time mode - gives possibility to choose simulation time mode. To use Dates for simulation (from 2000-01-01 to 2000-04-10 for example) or Time (from 0 to 100 for example);
  • Start/End Time - field for selection of simulation start/end time (for example from year 5 to year 30);
  • Start/End Date - field for selection of simulation start/end Dates (for example from year 2000-01-01 to year 2030-01-01);
  • Output options - gives possibility to choose step for simulation period, or divide simulation period by N timepoints, or represent results only at the timepoints of interest, etc.;
  • Outputs - gives possibility to choose which endpoints should be presented in the results when simulation is finished;
  • Solver - the simulation window also gives you quick-access to the different solvers, so that you can easily change which solver to use;
  • Batch mode - allows user to run simulation in batch mode.

Title bar

The title bar of the simulation window contains buttons to quickly display the simulation settings window or run simulations.

Open the simulation settings window. Refer to editing simulation settings
Open the probabilistic settings window. Refer to editing probabilistic settings
Run a simulation.
Stop the simulation.

See also

simulations_window.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/27 15:41 by dmytroh

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