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Scenarios Window

The scenarios window lists all scenarios defined for the project. To display this window select Window | Scenarios from the menu bar.

New scenarios can be defined by either clicking the button or by right-clicking the window and selecting Create from the menu.

From the scenarios window you can also select which objects depend on scenario, by right-clicking and choosing Select.

Each item in the table details one scenario. The table can be sorted on a specific property by clicking it’s column.

Enabled Allows you to exclude scenarios from the simulation. Simulations will only be run for scenarios which are enabled.
Name The name of the scenario. This name will also be the name displayed in the Results Window after a simulation.
DescriptionThe description of the scenario.

Title bar

The title bar has short-cuts for common tasks:

Creates a new scenario.
Opens an edit dialog window for the selected scenario.
Deletes all selected scenarios from the project.
Transfers the selected scenarios to the clipboard and marks them for deletion after the transfer. See data transfer for more information.
Transfers the selected scenarios to the clipboard. See data transfer for more information.
Copies the clipboard contents into the project. See data transfer for more information.

To display the menu, right click anywhere inside the window.

Create Lets you create a new scenario.
Edit Opens an edit dialog window for the selected scenario.
Find… Lets you search for text appearing in the table.
Enable/Disable Toggle enabled for the selected scenarios
Player Hide/Show Toggle whether the selected scenarios should be available in AFRY Intelligent Scenario Modelling Player
Editable/Not editableToggle editability for the selected scenarios
Copy text Copy the text in the table to the system clipboard.
Delete Deletes all selected scenarios from the system.
Select… Select objects which objects should vary depending on scenario.

See also

scenarios_window.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/13 11:08 by

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