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Report window

The report window lets you generate a report for the current project. The report can then be printed, or, saved as a PDF document or in HTML. The level of detail can be adjusted from the report settings window.

Title bar

The title bar has short-cuts for common tasks:

Navigate back to the previous page.
Navigate forward to the next page
Navigate “home” to the main report page.
Open the report in your default browser.
Refresh (regenerate) the report.
Open the report settings window (described in chapter Settings below).

To display the menu, right click anywhere inside the window.

Back Navigate back to the previous page.
Forward Navigate forward to the next page
Home Navigate “home” to the main report page.
Refresh Refresh (regenerate) the report.
Print Print the report.
Save Save the report as an HTML document.
Open Open the report in your default browser.
Generate and open PDFCreate an Adobe PDF document and open it in your default PDF reader.
Edit Open the report in a program that can edit HTML pages such as Microsoft Word.
Settings Open the report settings window (described below).


From the settings window you can control what to include and what not to include in the report. You can also select fonts and colors for headers and text. The window is opened either from the titlebar or from the pop-up menu.

The report settings are project specific. This means that the selections you make here are stored together with your model.

The listing on the left hand side lists all the available setting categories. When selecting an item in the list, settings related to the selected category are displayed on the right hand side.


The two buttons in the upper corner allows you to save and import report settings to a file. This way you can create your own templates for different types of report. For example, you can create a “brief” template, which only lists the equations and parameter values.

See also

report_window.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 14:30 by dmytroh

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