Editing properties
Depending on the type of object that you edit, this page will display only the properties described below which are applicable.
ID - The ID field refers to the identity of the object. The identity is used when referring to the object in expressions, and is the combination of the sub-system ID and the name, for instance “Forest.Soil.Kd”
- Name - The name of the object. The name you give here is used when referring to the object in expressions. The name must be unique to the sub-system of the object and must follow the naming conventions in AFRY Intelligent Scenario Modelling.
Note | If you separate words in the name using underscore ('_'), for instance “Soil_Contamination”, the matrix window window will display the object as “Soil Contamination” and use line-breaks if the name does not fit on one line. |
- Sub-system – If the Model contains sub-systems, specify the sub-system to which the object belongs. An empty selection means that the object belongs to the “root” sub-system.
- Source and Target - Available for off-diagonal blocks such as transfers. Lets you select the source and target block. This makes it possible to move off-diagonal blocks.
- Enabled – A disabled object will not be included in the calculations and will generate no simulation outputs. When a sub-system is disabled, all objects contained there in will also be disabled. Also, when a diagonal block is disabled, all transfers that have the block as their source will be disabled. A disabled Block or Parameter cannot be used in the equation of another Block.
- Visible - Whether the block should be visible in AFRY Intelligent Scenario Modelling Player or not. Note that blocks that are “invisible” are hidden by default in the blocks window.
- Editable - A lock which prevents properties of this block to be changed accidently. In AFRY Intelligent Scenario Modelling Player ineditable blocks can never be edited.
Information - The Information field is used for information about the object that does not affect the calculations but which can be useful for documentation purposes. All information entered here is displayed in tool tips (if the tool tip detail level is set to “Detailed”, see General Preferences) and in the information window.
- Unit - Specify a unit for the object. For more information on units and unit checking, see units.
- Category - Assign a category to the object.
- Tags - Assign one or more tags to the object. To add an existing tag, click the small arrow on the right hand side. To add a new tag, click in the field. Write the tag and press Enter to apply the tag. To remove tags, click on the small “X” next to the tag.
- Symbol - Enter a symbol for the object. The symbol is used in the report and in the Information window when expressions are written. If no symbol is given, a “default” symbol is created from the object name.
- Full name - Enter a full name for the object. Often the name used in formulas and the full name are not the same. For example, “Mean global temperature” might have the name “T” in formulas. When a full name is specified, it will be used in favor of the short name in the interaction matrix of the matrix window.
- Description - Enter a free text description of the object. By using the set of buttons under the text area you can change font style and add hyperlinks to objects or documents
See also
editing_properties.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/13 17:46 by boris